Thursday, July 9, 2009

uneventful summer

Once again I lost track of my blog, I guess is a little discouraging not having anything unique to write about, I don't think many would be intrigued to read about me doing laundry, washing dished, watching the First 48 and sleeping, seems that has been the theme of this summer so far.
I am looking for a job that will turn into a career, I had an interview yesterday that went great... so now we wait..

Another recent change is that I join a gym and got a personal trainer who is from somewhere near Russia. I am very excited to jump into this commitment and making some positive changes in my life. I also went back to playing tennis, not as I was in Queretaro but at least is once a week and my friend Morgan is going with me also.

Jeremy is getting ready to go back to school this fall to complete his engineering degree, like we had planned since I went back to school. Deal was I finish school and he could go back to get the education he wants.

I am looking forward to graduation in December, but more so to see my nona and for her to stay here for a while. I miss home like crazy and wish I was there now!

So that is all for now, like a I said nothing really exciting going on but is my life..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

All better.. sort of

I am feeling better, at least I am not laying in bed waiting for death, but my allergies are still here..

I am so exhausted and I am frustrated with a lot of stuff.. school, weight, lack of free time, and no rain!.

I am getting a little anxy being in one place, I am already wishing I was somewhere else no offence but life in the US SUCKS!! nothing to do, no where to walk and shitty=fatty food!

I haven't been working out or even going for walk because I really have no time and I really don't want to go to the part alone at night, and I have no one to go to the gym with... arrgg!!

OK, enough bitching..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

getting sick sucks!

Its one thing when you don't feel like going to work or school and you pretend to be sick, but it really sucks when you are sick for real. I have been sneezing, coughing and creating a mountain of tissues. Today I look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and been drugged up on Day and Night Quill since Sunday.

One good news I got this week, after meeting with my advisers and the registers office I will be officially done with school this December. I would of been done this May if they would if told me that I needed a minor for my degree so I just need to take one class in the fall and I AM OUT OF HERE! I am really exited to be finally done with college, but I am not excited about having to pay back those loans..

Now I am going back to my tissues, Vick's and TV.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A new challange

Tomorrow I start my internship with the San Antonio Convention & Visitors Bureau working with the Mexico-South America Public Relation Dept. I have been waiting for this opportunity to come along since I decided what I wanted to major in, and tomorrow is the day!
I am excited because the office is downtown and I feel like I am working with the big shots, and in a silly way I pretend I am in N.Y.

I am a little worry about the whole wardrobe since it has to be professional and I don't have a lot since I have been living in jeans and t-shirts for 3 years! I would love to go shopping but there is thing call money, and I don't seem to have any..

On other news, my mom left for South Korea today and when I took her to the airport I had this urge to hop on a plane to any where..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year, New Blog-y

A new year begins, I was so excited to be able to bring in 2009 in Chile with my family. I have set new goals for this new year, such as pay off more debt, take more time off and spend more time with those who matter to me.

I have already made some changes, the most recent one was quitting my job with the student news paper at my university, I was so sick and tired of the bullshit, the gossip and the lack of leadership if there is one thing I can't stand is people talking behind others back and them pretending to be their friends, nothing ever got done and it was really not worth my time nor the money. I really feel that I needed to focus more on my academics especially being my last one before graduation.

Speaking of school, I am taking a rather light load this semester only taking my last four courses, Media Law, Media and Society, PR and Event Planning and Desktop Publishing, I am also doing an internship with the San Antonio Cultural Arts and Events. I am very excited to work with the city and be able to get hands on experience on what I want to do with my life.

On another subject, our house was burglarised on Dec. 23 right before we left for Chile, and they took my laptop, and almost everything electronic too, this is why I was unable to write while I was in Chile. I have posted the link to the photos and will soon post a slide show of the best pictures. I was very difficult to leave Chile, and I would love to go back for at least one year and see if we can make a go there, we will see.

That is all for now, we are heading out to go to a bar-b-q at our friends house. (it nice to have someone cook for you =)

Friday, November 14, 2008

I am back.....

So its been ageeeeeesssssss since I have even longed on to the site, between school and work I haven't had much time to write.

School: is going OK, is getting rough to manage everything that we have to do, especially my broadcast writing class where I have to create commercials for TV and Radio. Also my school got a brand new TV studio where I will be working on several projects, but I am scared to break anything in there..
Media Ethics is kicking my ass too, since my teacher has quizzes every class and they are fill in the blank types, so you have to memorise the books.. I mean the 3 books that we have for that one class.. retarded.
On my other classes are I am doing good, especially on my marketing classes.
I am also searching for internships, two look promising.. keep fingers crossed.

I am looking forward to next semester at school here is what I will be taking:

Media Law (yuck)

Public Relations

Desktop Publishing

Race, Gender and Society

La Sociedad, a Hispanic marketing class.

Jeremy and I have been lucky to be going to almost all home games of the San Antonio Spurs..GO SPURS GO!! that's been one of the highlights. We are also 12 days from celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary. I looked at our marriage certificate and I couldn't find an expiration date so i guess I am stuck, just kidding. I really can't believe how fast the time has gone by.
Halloween was different this year, we went out bar hopping with our new friends, JD and Amanda. It was nice to have a mess to clean up at the house with our usual party. The next day we had a bar-b-q and watch the Texas v. Tech game and dranked a lot of beer to drown the sorrow of losing.

Upcoming events: Jeremy and I are leaving for Chile on December 26, until January 12, I am so excited to see my family and spend new years in my country. We are also going to spend the last days in the south of Chile being "tourist-y".

Well that is all I can think for right now, I will start posting more often. I just wish I knew if people are actually reading this or not... humm??

Monday, September 15, 2008

Just peachy..oh peary?

Between school, work and house chores I really haven't had the time to really write, so lets recap.
My classes are O.K some are better than others and I am still procrastinating on homework, actually I have this one essay due tomorrow and instead of working on that I am writing on my blog...anyhow, I am really liking working as the ads manager for the Lake Front but is sure does keep me busy.
Life at home is good, this Sunday we had this cold front come in and it was just the perfect day to garden. This is where the picture of the pear comes in, I went out to the tree to prune it a little and to my delightful surprise we got our very first pear!!! We have waited for 3 years now to get fruit we had even given up hope that I was not a fruiting tree. I also finish painting the front porch rails and re-planting and cleaning the flower bed, which left me with this annoying back pain =(

Another cool happening is that we are getting a hot tub this week and the best part of it is that is FREE! we just have to go get it from Jeremy's co-worker's house that apparently has this hill-like driveway so it should be a fun little Sunday, we are actually recruiting workers to move this tub, so any takers?

We got this awesome cold front today and it feels like fall already, it is so nice to be able to open the windows shut of the A.C and wear sweatshirts.
So, here I am sitting at the Lake Front office, windows open and all (let hope no bird fly in here that would chaotic), listening to No Doubt and not doing my homework.