Friday, November 14, 2008

I am back.....

So its been ageeeeeesssssss since I have even longed on to the site, between school and work I haven't had much time to write.

School: is going OK, is getting rough to manage everything that we have to do, especially my broadcast writing class where I have to create commercials for TV and Radio. Also my school got a brand new TV studio where I will be working on several projects, but I am scared to break anything in there..
Media Ethics is kicking my ass too, since my teacher has quizzes every class and they are fill in the blank types, so you have to memorise the books.. I mean the 3 books that we have for that one class.. retarded.
On my other classes are I am doing good, especially on my marketing classes.
I am also searching for internships, two look promising.. keep fingers crossed.

I am looking forward to next semester at school here is what I will be taking:

Media Law (yuck)

Public Relations

Desktop Publishing

Race, Gender and Society

La Sociedad, a Hispanic marketing class.

Jeremy and I have been lucky to be going to almost all home games of the San Antonio Spurs..GO SPURS GO!! that's been one of the highlights. We are also 12 days from celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary. I looked at our marriage certificate and I couldn't find an expiration date so i guess I am stuck, just kidding. I really can't believe how fast the time has gone by.
Halloween was different this year, we went out bar hopping with our new friends, JD and Amanda. It was nice to have a mess to clean up at the house with our usual party. The next day we had a bar-b-q and watch the Texas v. Tech game and dranked a lot of beer to drown the sorrow of losing.

Upcoming events: Jeremy and I are leaving for Chile on December 26, until January 12, I am so excited to see my family and spend new years in my country. We are also going to spend the last days in the south of Chile being "tourist-y".

Well that is all I can think for right now, I will start posting more often. I just wish I knew if people are actually reading this or not... humm??