So here we are, exactly one week from being home, I am really looking forward in seeing Jeremy, my mom, and family (including my doggies) but I can't say that I won't miss Queretaro.
One thing I won’t miss is this non-stopping rain we have right now and it kind of ruins our shopping plans. Today Jess, Sara, Erin and I had planned to go downtown and do some shopping but as soon as we walked out the door it started to sprinkle and by the time we got across the street to take the bus it was starting to come down hard, luckily the bus didn't take too long to arrive. We arrive at el Templo de la Cruz which is very close to downtown but it was raining so hard that we wanted to wait for it stop a little. Lucky we found refuge on this little coffee shop where we enjoyed a hot cup java and watched as the rain didn't let up Hiding in the coffee shop.
After a while the rain stopped long enough for us to make it haft way down the street when it started to pour again. The usually crowed streets were empty with just a few shops open; it was really disappointing since we were all in the mood for spending money. Since there was nothing to do we gave up, we tried to call for a safe cab but the lines were busy and not wanting to wait forever we braved the rain for 3 blocks to our bus stop. There we were like four little ducks, soaking wet but having fun splashing water on each other while we waited for bus number 80. walking in the rain
Empty streets
Sitting duck waiting for the bus
When we arrived at the Tec we had to cross the flooded street that got my shoes soaked. The funny part was when we got to the Residencias, Lulu (the boss) said "No pueden entrar mojadas" (you can go in wet) we all just stood there thinking if she was for real but it didn't take long for her to start smiling and for us to feel like dorks.
All in all it was a fun afternoon, I will never forget the day we were the only "gringas" trying to shop in a storm... ahh fun times!!
*Thank Sara for taking this great pictures!!
13 years ago
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