Sunday, July 20, 2008

One dream came true!!!

our new game room!

This weekend was fantastic!! I have been looking forward in spending time with Jeremy all week and it was great that was got home relatively early on Saturday. I spent mostly all day with my mom, we went shopping and just really spent time together that was really nice.

On Sat. night Jeremy and I headed to Josh's house and even Gabe (Jeremy's cousin) showed up, and we all headed to a party. The party was so much fun, it seemed that no one had ever meet anyone from Chile before so they were all fascinated about me being from so far away, it was kind of cool =) It was during this party that we heard that one of Josh's friend was selling his pool able and needless to say we were all ears and we got this awesome deal on this 8 ft' table with cues and sticks. Getting our own pool table and turning our garage into a game room has been a dream of ours since we got the house and this weekend that dream came true.
my man and his new toy
he beat me =(

We picked up the table this morning and spent all day cleaning and setting up our new game room. Jeremy finally got a place to put his dart board up, and just have a place to relax and have fun together. I am really happy to because I will get a chance to get good at pool, so watch out!! =)
first break on new table

Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me, I have my interview with Univision for an internship, so please wish me luck. After the interview I have to go to OLLU to get some stuff taken care of, then back home to get this endless pile of laundry.

Well is almost 1 a.m. and I need to get to bed, I am exhausted from this awesome weekend. I should be updating tomorrow about the interview.