Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I love this place

I got a nice surprise when I got back to my room this afternoon, a TV! They had offered me one and I didn't really think I was going to get one, but I got lucky. I am so happy I have something to watch besides YouTube. I guessed it help me bringing the security guard some sweet bread the other day. =).

This week has been great so far. I started playing Tennis I still can’t really believe that I am doing it and liking it. Today the sun killed us, we were so hot and red but it was worth the practice.

I love my class, Literatura Latinoamericana, with maestra Lourdes Gallego Martin del Campo she is so passionate about literature and really cares about her student understanding and teaches to really love reading, I really needed a teacher like this who will inspire me to read more, especially literature in Spanish.

Today after tennis me and Jess when to Sorianas, yet again, to get stuff for dinner and while we were there we thought it would be cool to take pictures of all the wonderful sweet breads and desserts they have at La Panaderia, so I took my camera out and began taking pictures, I had only taken two pictures when I was approached by one of the store workers and he told me "No puede sacar fotos" while he explained to me why I could not take pictures, I pointed my camera toward the desert and took a few more. I apologized and went to pay for the breads we had gotten. I am starting to think that they are going to have my picture up on the store with a warning label " Precaución, esta persona se lleva prestado los carros y toma fotos de los panes, favor presidir con cuidado." (Warning, this person likes to borrow carts and take pictures of our breads, proceed with caution.)

Jess and I made tuna helper without butter because we don’t have any, but it turned out OK. Now I am just relaxing in my room enjoying my new TV, I am going to finish reading my class stuff since I am trying to get ahead so I can tutor the other student in my class who may need some help understanding the readings.
That is all for now.


Jorge Arturo said...

me paso algo similar, en mi caso lo hice por la escuela, soy mercadologo, y tenía que ver el acomodo de las tiendas, y en vez de memorizar o escribir, decidí tomar fotos, en mi caso, me sacaron los de seguridad... Esta prohibido por el "espionaje" comercial, algo tonto, pues si quiero robarme el "secreto" de como acomodan la tienda, solo voy como cliente y ya.

Es cosa de tradición, en el pasado, 70's, estaba prohibido tomar fotos de muchas cosas, no había libertad de expresion, incluso te arrestaban por tomar fotos de edificios de gobierno.

Pero ya no, son solo personas que se quedaron con la idea, como los que no aceptan billetes por que se rompieron.