Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Carrito day...

Today was a fun and relaxing day. Earlier we went to Soriana's to buy a few things and while there we realized how many things we really needed, from forks to fruit, well it was so funny at the end of our shopping trip we realized that there was no way we could carry all those bags back to the Tec, even thought the school is around the corner, so we asked the cashier if it would be O.K to take the cart to the school and bring it back she said it was fine. We started to walk down the parking lot and as we were getting closer to the corner we saw that a taxi driver was shaking his head, then i started to hear this wishing sound getting closer, it was the store's security guard running behind us. I turn to him and trying not to laugh I explain to him that we were going to bring the "carrito" right back, he paused a moment looked at all the stuff we had and said, "bueno, pero me lo traen".
Sara and I stared to make our way to the Tec, and as soon as we managed to bring the card over the speed bumps we got stopped yet again by the campus security, "no puende traer eso" said the guard "they are going to think you stole it" I explained to him that the cashier, the store guard had said O.K, so he agreed to let us pass.

So there we go, pushing this bright orange cart full of stuff down the parking lot of the school, I actually asked Sara to do it, I was to embarrassed. She was so funny pushing this rattling basket around and everyone was looking at us.. Oh fun times!!

Then we had to bring the basket back.. That was just as funny...

So we had a great day, another girl has joined us from Wisconsin; her name is Jessica and is also married so we have stuff in common.

Tomorrow morning I'm taking a Spanish test, and the we are doing orientation.. So must go to bed.